Saturday 20 December 2003

two days of class chalet, 2 days of training, ktv, harmoc practice, all these in 3 days. no wonder i'm feeling so shag now. and today's water is just not for canoeing, i'm quite amused by myself at being pissed with the water, and my objective of the training was not to capsize and not to scold anyone. and i succeeded.
think i really need a good rest, but nighttime does not seem like a good time to sleep. getting a sorethroat too.

Friday 19 December 2003

it has been a great week. girls outing cum ktv plus class chalet cum ktv. i realised our class outings always end up in ktvs most of the times, which is not a bad thing because i love singing, though my voice seems to be failing me recently.
out second class chalet was quite a success, though the ratio of senior class people and junior class people was a little, well, unexpected, but we had a lot of fun, barbecuing, eating, playing games and talking. and aranda is more like a hotel than chalet, so much better and bigger than downtown east, maybe all it lacks is a bathtub.
it's so nice to see you again, ollie, still as pretty as ever, and great voice. really wish we could do all these again as and when we like it. this is how holidays are suppose to be right?

Sunday 14 December 2003

i have a new phone, finally. thank you daddy, i love you so much. early christmas gifts from you. though i've never told you this before, but i'm really grateful i have a dad like you. now the only last gift i want from you is please don't irritate me and look down on me.
started on writing christmas cards already, i will try to send everything as soon as possible.
quote of the day: a leopard can't change its spots. even if it did, we will still call it a leopard.

Thursday 11 December 2003

i visited the dentist today, finally. and there's only 2 words to describe: unpleasant and painful. lots of tools, sometimes i don't even know what he's doing to my teeth, i know there's a mirror, there's one for sucking out water and blood, and there's one for scrapping all those dirty stuff on my teeth. you think you will see me back in six months? dream on. i'm not going back for at least 3 years. finally got my hair done too. now it's left with shopping to do only.
went queensway with lyd after lunch, didn't buy much though, earrings, slippers, bandanna. o well, those useless stuff again. i realised we have very different tastes, ended up arguing over which is nice and rarely agreeing on something which suits both our tastes.

Wednesday 10 December 2003

amazing training today and i swear i will not let this happen again. here's a very brief summary: started the 2k race, got caught in a fishing line, thought the line was off my boat, continued paddling, dragged the fishing rod into the water, so went up to take the rod and wanted to return to the owner, wanted to stabalize myself by holding on to the wall, capsized. i don't know whether to laugh or to cry.
did metro cip at sengkang after that. it was boring, thank goodness i only have 2 shifts. sometimes i wonder what's the point of giving cca points for cip hours when we force ourselves to waste our time and do something that we do not like. i mean, community service should be something done willingly, something which we do not hope to get rewarded.

Tuesday 9 December 2003

there's a limit to one's patience and you can't make use of me everytime like that. please, i can't help you forever, there's no use hiding the truth forever my dear.
optimism may give hope but it's the truth that produces results. why are you still tyring to be optimistic about it when you know it's not going to happen?

Monday 8 December 2003

what a day today, went for training in the morning as usual, and did k2 with fy. had a nice time rowing except that the boat wasn't the best boat one can find, in fact, it was one of the worst that was placed on the beach. came home with lots of blisters. we raced with the guys k2s and it was a good race, we were almost the same speed. but that was not the highlight of the day. amidst washing up, we found out that coach had left already and guess what, my keys are with him, which meant that the 20 odd of us were keyless, phoneless, and penniless. we used all sorts of ways, many muscles and managed to take out a handphone to call coach and mr chan. and so in the process of waiting, we talked, soned, rot, and waited and waited. waited and waited somemore and finally the keys appeared, after about 1 hour of impatient waiting...

Sunday 7 December 2003

hilarious things that i did today: went to west coast park for unknown reasons. wanted to bring jia there to play put she was crying and refused to play. useless thing. i ended up standing on those tiny merry-go-rounds, or whatever that's called and span myself rounds and rounds. felt quite weird after that, but quite good also. then i was standing beside my dad, watching jia pout, trying to imitate the way he stands and because he had his hands in a weird position, and i followed, guess what, i had a sprained wrist..... yes, that is how i always get injured. just like how i sprained my knee. poor me.
went for dinner after that and boy, i must say the pasar malam at clementi west is quite good. bought 2 durians, 3 kg of that little fruit, don't know what it is called for only 2.50 and 2 kg of mangosteen for only 1.50. i love fruits. still feel quite bloated now, too bloated to sleep.
i will run tomorrow, i swear i will...

Saturday 6 December 2003

SATs is over finally. maybe not yet, just waiting to face reality and await the awful result and prepare myself more adequately for the next test. is it March? maybe from now onwards, i will mug some vocab everyday. i've told myself over and over again that last minute revision wouldn't work, but time and time again, i'm doing it. 3 weeks of holidays left, it may sound long but think again, how many weeks have passed and what have i been doing? time to reflect girl, and not only reflect, do something about it!!!!
had lunch at ghim moh after that and went back to school for harmoc practice. 3 people in a freezing lt, blowing and sucking into and from a piece of metal instrument that squeaks at the most inappropriate times. i don't hate the harmoc, honestly, in fact it's quite an enjoyable thing to do when i'm bored and it sounds good when you are good at it, not me that is. but sometimes it just gets boring siting there blowing and blowing. it's all for christmas fun, looking forward to it actually. and looking forward more to my holiday trip. yippee...

Thursday 4 December 2003

set my alarm clock at 6am today but woke up at only 6.50. went to school for land training. it's a super long training programme and we took about 3 hours minus the run. the only incentive to hurry us up was macdonald's hotcakes. and of course, we were just in time for breakfast. yummy hotcakes, love them with lots of syrup. alright, what's this, i'm suppose to be on a healthy diet.
went back to school after the brunch and feeling guilty, me and lydia did the canal route, yes, straight after brunch. it was quite ok, the weather was very cooperative. singapore's weather isn't that bad after all, especially recently, it's always cool and windy when i run and there's no scorching, burning hot sun during water trainings.
then came my insane plan into action. yes, hear it, i walked home from school. let me repeat that, i walked home from school. felt quite ridiculous at first, people must be thinking who's this crazy girl walking. but gained momentum gradually and my legs just continued walking and walking and they took me home. time i took? about 1 hour. had quite a lot of fun laughing at my insanity, hearing the sounds of engines, enjoying the wind. i'm just the crazy little me

Wednesday 3 December 2003

another typical wednesday... went for training in the morning, the usual stuff and the sun just made me darker again. but well, that's what i want to be isn't it. nothing much to say about training though, nothing special.
and my usual post-training routine, go home without bathing, grab something for my poor stomach, bathe, attempt to study, end up sleeping, wake up just in time for dinner, eat dinner, stone around, mug a bit, go online.
yes, that's my day. and what am i suppose to be doing? studying for SATs? well, i have every intention of studying, but everything that goes in comes out immediately. perhaps i should just base everything on luck and what i know.

Tuesday 2 December 2003

stayed at home the whole day with the attempt to mug for SATs, but it was unsuccessful. ended up wasting the whole day stoning and slacking around. perhaps night time is still the best time to mug, shall force myself to study tonight.
after binging on every piece of junk that i can find at home due to boredom, i went for a jog in the afternoon. the weather was fabulous for jogging, cooling, windy with the lightest drizzle. jogged to Bukit Batok Nature Park, ran one round and back home.
discovery of the day: Bt Batok Nature Park is an excellent place to run. the running track is not muddy, and the first 600m was the best, cemented ground with gentle slopes and sheltered by trees with the sign "beware of falling durians", if only i could find one. the next 400m was slopey, and dark, because there was no sun. it was rather deserted, very dangerous as well, so never go there alone at weird times of the day. i was exploring my neighbourhood on my way back and guess what, i got lost.
lousy me eventually found my way home. feels great after the run, shall do this route every week, perhaps at a better time, when my safety is not at risk.
dinner, here i come...

Monday 1 December 2003

tidied up the drawer which i put letter today, very dusty, but it brings back memories, especially when i read through letters that were received many years back. now i have learnt, next time when you write letter, it's more important to put the year than the date.
discovery of the day: i found the passport photos that i took 3 years ago. i was frantically searching for them in the beginning of the year, when i needed photos, but couldnt find them. didn't know they were hiding in the drawer. i wouldn't mind not finding them, they are ugly photos after all

Sunday 30 November 2003

set up the christmas tree today, it was fun but very dusty, one year of dust.. yucks.. christmas is near, it's only less than a month away, starting to feel the festive atmosphere, especially with the lights on the christmas tree blinking in the dark. SATs is nearer... it's next week!!!!!!!!

Sunday 26 October 2003